StArt en Français


Bienvenus. Nous nous trouvons dans l’ancien Couvent de San Filippo Neri, un bâtiment du XVIIIe siècle dont ils font partie l’église baroque et une chapelle maintenant utilisée comme lieu d’exposition. Le Couvent fut le siège du séminaire archiépiscopal du 1928 jusqu’à 1949. L’étudiant Giovanni Bosco parcourut ces couloirs à qui Leggi tutto…

Di Fulvio Di Sciullo, fa
StArt in English

Chieri Landscapes

The concept of landscape was created in Italy, a harmonious fusion of nature and culture. Chieri also possesses a large capital of beauty and natural biodiversity, some of it now altered and eroded. It is an area rich in visible elements that are an integral part of the history and Leggi tutto…

Di Fulvio Di Sciullo, fa
StArt in English

The Textile Museum

The textile museum is a place where you can see looms, warping machines, measurement and weight instruments, watercolour sketches, books, magazines, graduate thesis and old and modern catalogues of patterns. The textile museum in Chieri was founded in 1996. It is rich in equipment from Medieval times to the XX Leggi tutto…

Di Fulvio Di Sciullo, fa
StArt in English

Chieri Archaeological Exhibition (MAC)

The M.A.C. (Chieri Archaeological Exhibition) illustrates materials excavated by the Gruppo Archaeological dei Giovani Esploratori (Archeological Group of Young Explorers) and a selection of artefacts recovered from stratigraphical analysis conducted over time under the supervision of the Regional Archeological Authority. The artefacts are from the Roman age through to the Leggi tutto…

Di Fulvio Di Sciullo, fa