Assistance and charity
The Treasures of the Cathedral

Chieri cultural heritage of the late Middle Ages between the Gothic and Renaissance period is impressive, notwithstanding huge losses. It begins with the extraordinary cycle of the Story of the life of Christ painted in the baptistery of the collegiate church of Santa Maria della Scala (Duomo) by Guglielmetto Fantini, a master of fresco painting, during the first half of the 15th century. The “Madonna del Melograno”  (the Madonna of the Pomegranate) in the Duomo by a Flemish artist of the very early 15th century, is the most beautiful Gothic sculpture in Piedmont. The sculptural decorations in the Gothic and the Renaissance style of the San Domenico church is splendid and the Gothic pediment of the Duomo, the frescoes of the Gallieri chapel and the stalls of the choir of the Duomo are among the many icons of 15th century Chieri. Among the testimonies of private commissions are the painted ceilings in homes that were the pride of both domestic and public life in the town.

Assistance and charity
The Treasures of the Cathedral